
O2 Power

O2 Power is one of the fastest growing renewable energy companies in India


GW Portfolio

O2 Power Private Limited is an Indian renewable energy platform owned by EQT Infrastructure and Temasek to establish 4+ GW of renewable energy assets through utility scale and C&I projects in India with a total equity commitment of up to US$ 500m over the next 5 years.

Our Solutions


Clean: Renewable energy is the cleanest source of
electricity generation that will play a key role in achieving
the global emission targets.


GWh Capacity


Commercial and Industrial (C&I) customers are increasingly meeting
their electricity requirement through sources of power
that are low on carbon footprint and are also cost competitive.


MWp Commissioned

Our Footprints

News and Events

6 million safe hours 6 million safe hours
29 May 2024

6 million safe hours

26 Feb 2024

O2 Power is GPTW Certified for January 2024 to January 2025

19 Oct 2023

O2 Power partners with Senvion India

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O2 Power Social Diary